Welcome to TurboSition
TURBOSITION: The composition of a flat six engine and a turbocharger
composition: something that is created by arranging several things to form a unified whole
This site is for enthusiast of the Porsche 911 turbo (model 930).
I hope the prepared information will help you to repair or restore your 911
So you can find this contents among others:
- technical specifications / characteristics
- color codes / color names
- equipment
- performance diagrams
- technical documents
If you have questions, helpful suggestions or additions, please use the contact form to send it to me. I'm deeply grateful for all additional information about the type 930.
Porsche 911 turbo - Price list 1975

You can find a digitized price list for the Porsche 911 turbo from 1975 in the area "Service > Brochures / Price Lists".
As always, this was created with great effort and is not just a pure "photocopy".
Porsche Colours & Interior 1979

A digitized brochure with colors and interior fittings for the Porsche 911 SC and turbo from 1979 can be found in the area "Service > Brochure/Price Lists".