Porsche 930 Register
The data and information that are listed here were compiled by owners or through internet research.
Therefore is no guarantee of correctness and completeness. Nevertheless, it can certainly help to use the information, e.g. before buying a classic Porsche 911 turbo.
The recorded data will be constantly expanded and adapted.
You are also welcome to contribute. For example, if you own a Porsche 930, it would be nice if you could provide information and, above all, pictures. Simply send an email to register@turbosition.com.
Thank you!

VIN: 9305700198

VIN: 9305700241

VIN: 9306700545

VIN: 9306700593

VIN: 9306800074

VIN: 9306800232

VIN: 9306800326

VIN: 9306800364

VIN: 9306800386

VIN: 9306800444

VIN: 9306800477

VIN: 9307700220

VIN: 9307800086

VIN: 9307800101

VIN: 9307800352